Category: Blog (Page 1 of 6)

Get smart and Interact

There are millions of apps and educational software programs out there to make your child smart. Some of them have so many bells and whistles that they accomplish little and only add to the confusion and distraction that bells and whistles create. The best apps and educational programs are research-based – the ones that have proof to support their techniques. They may not be flashy or fun, loud and raucous, but they do the job. No matter what you purchase to make your child smarter, the best app or program is the one that both of you interact with – together. Continue reading

What is Instructional Design?

Instructional Design assists with course development initiatives. It includes designing and building courses, helps maintain and update courses, designs and develops course support materials. It also designs and develops training and support materials for students and parents. Ideal instructional designers have a background in course design, technology, Learning Management Systems, and a passion for supporting the ongoing development of academic or training courses.

Designing an Active Learning Platform

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