Tag: technology and education (Page 2 of 2)

Steering students with technology

Teaching and Technology

Teaching and Technology in the 80s

I started teaching in 1987 — when teachers checked Apple laptops out of the library. Laptops that must have weighed five pounds, and which needed a 4×4 floppy disc to save material. In those days, I became close to the business teacher so that I could use her computers whenever they were free. That way, I could use them to teach writing to my students. Technology steered my students toward learning how to be better writers on their own.
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The Average Attention Span

Goldfish float in the tank fluttering back and forth, back and forth. Why don’t they look bored? Is this any different than watching people play Candy Crush over and over again? In 2015, The Telegraph posted an article suggesting that humans have a shorter attention span than goldfish, thanks to smartphones. If this is true, then most of their readers did not read the conclusion:
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