Tag: teaching and technology (Page 2 of 2)

  1. E-learning provides primary students with a base for life-long learning:

    Life-long learning is self-directed learning using a range of resources including e-learning. It is a holistic approach that supports the philosophy that education is a continuum from the cradle to the grave. When primary students are e-learners, they become lifelong learners from the start.

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Steering students with technology

Teaching and Technology

Teaching and Technology in the 80s

I started teaching in 1987 — when teachers checked Apple laptops out of the library. Laptops that must have weighed five pounds, and which needed a 4×4 floppy disc to save material. In those days, I became close to the business teacher so that I could use her computers whenever they were free. That way, I could use them to teach writing to my students. Technology steered my students toward learning how to be better writers on their own.
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